Project Need
The SR 72 Improvements Project will reconstruct deteriorating pavement, improve traffic capacity, operations, and safety and add pedestrian, bicycle and transit facilities.

Project Background
SR 72 corridor experiences congestion during morning and afternoon peak periods and weekends. The congestion as well as lack of center left turn lanes resulted in safety concerns. The corridor lacked transit service, bike facilities and sidewalk connections. The SR 72 improvements will address these deficiencies by providing safety and operational improvements and enhance multi-modal facilities to connect communities within the project limits. The posted speed limit will be reduced from 50 mph to 45 mph, the travel lane widths will reduce from 12’ to 11’, and curb is proposed on both sides of SR 72 to promote traffic calming. Improvements to McCoy Road originally included in the SR 72 design have already been completed as part of the SR 1 and SR 72 Diverging Diamond Interchange.
Road construction will begin in the Summer 2022 and is estimated to be complete in Spring 2025.
Project Overview
The SR 72 Improvements Project include the following improvements:
- Reconstruction and widening of SR 72 pavement from the SR 1 southbound ramps to Willamette Drive to provide two travel lanes in each direction and a center two-way left turn lane.
- At the intersection of SR 72 and Willamette Drive, the right and left turn lanes will be maintained, and a bike lane will be added adjacent to the right turn lane. A wet stormwater pond will be installed behind the homes along Willamette Drive and Niobrara Lane in the Chandeleur Woods Subdivision to collect and manage runoff from storm events.
- At the signalized SR 72 and SR 71 intersection, the right and left turn lane lengths will be increased; bike lanes and transit stops will be added; and new traffic and pedestrian signals will be installed.
- At SR 72 and the Red Lion Hundred commercial entrance, a concrete median will be installed to channelize and prohibit movements in and out of Wawa – right turns in, left turns in, and right turns out will be permitted once complete.
- At the signalized intersection of SR 72 and American Boulevard/Connell Drive, the right and left turn lane lengths will be increased; bike lanes and transit stops will be added; and new pedestrian signals will be installed.
- At the SR 72 and Copples Lane intersection, a center left turn lane, right turn lane and bike lane all will be added. An infiltration stormwater basin will be installed adjacent to Copples Lane to collect and manage runoff from storm events.
- At SR 72 and Fieldstone Crossing Drive intersection, the bypass lane will be removed, and a center left turn lane, right turn lane, and bike lane will be added.
- At the SR 72 and Sunnyside Lane intersection, the bypass lane will be eliminated, and a center left turn lane and bike lane adjacent to the right turn lane will be added.
- At SR 72 and the Wilbur Elementary School entrance/ Wilson Boulevard intersection, the right and left turn lane lengths will be increased; bike lanes and transit stops will be added; and new traffic and pedestrian signals will be installed.
- New traffic signals at the following SR 72 intersections:
- a. SR 71
- b. Wilson Boulevard/ Wilbur Elementary School entrance
- Pedestrian crossings will be added at the following SR 72 intersections:
- a. American Boulevard/Connell Drive
- b. Copples Lane
- c. Fieldstone Crossing Drive
- d. Sunnyside Lane
- e. Wilson Boulevard/ Wilbur Elementary School entrance
- f. Existing pedestrian crossing at McCoy Road will be maintained
- New roadway lighting at signalized intersections and subdivision entrances.
- Upgrading and adding pedestrian, bicycle, and transit facilities.
- Improved drainage