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When will the project be complete?

The SR 72 project will begin construction in Summer 2022 and is expected to be completed in the Spring of 2025.

Will work be done at night?

Yes, work will be done at night when temporary lane closures are needed to complete construction activities to minimize impacts to commuter traffic during daytime hours.

Why is construction taking so long?

Aerial and underground utility relocations began in 2019 and were completed in Fall 2021. This phase of work took time because each utility company relocated their facilities and abandoned their old utilities one at a time before the next utility began their relocations. The aerial relocations included electric lines and communication facilities. The underground relocations include over 50,000 feet of gas, water main, and sanitary sewer lines and communication conduits. It was important to complete the utility relocations outside of the limits of the proposed road prior to the roadway reconstruction to prevent construction delays.

Why were utility construction limits so close to houses?

Temporary construction easements were needed for grading and to provide room for construction equipment to complete the utility relocations. Many of these easements expired after the utility relocations were completed. The construction width limits for the advance utility contract were wider than the construction limits will be for the road widening because utilities were relocated outside of the roadway footprint. Permanent easements were acquired to install the relocated utilities along the corridor. Parcel owners still own the underlying land in these areas, but the utility companies have the right to access the areas to perform maintenance on their utility when needed.

Are closures and detours needed?

Yes, closures and lane restrictions are needed during nights, weekends and extended closures to complete project construction. Detours will be provided when closures occur.  Notice will be provided on this website and DelDOT’s website in advance of closures and lane restrictions. Click here for more information about detours and closures.

How will parents be able to access Wilbur Elementary school during project construction?

The project team has coordinated construction activities with the school during design. Access will be maintained to school during construction. During summer break, the entrance will be reconstructed. Two left turn lanes onto southbound SR 72 are proposed to improve leaving the school during drop off and pick up periods.

What are the detour routes when there are closures?

Click here for more information about detours and closures.